Monday, February 21, 2011

i need a vacation from my long weekend

Sometimes, weekends where your main goal is relaxation are the most..well, not relaxing. Today is President's Day. Hooray democracy! Hooray federal holiday! I'm gonna do laundry and go to coffee shops and see movies and be awesome! Cue sinus infection with a side of pink eye.

I had grand, fun, restful, long weekend-ish plans for Saturday and while I did rest, I barely left my apartment. Which was NOT the plan. It was a mixture of having a bad headache, being stuffy and just sheer apathy about the day. Yuck. Reminds me of one of my favorite lyrics from Mumford & Sons' "I Gave it All"-- "maybe if I'd had an enemy greater than my apathy, I could've won".

So in the afternoon, I finally got off my duff and went to see "Just Go With It". I wasn't planning to see it but I saw Adam Sandler on Kimmel and Letterman and he just seemed so nice and spoke so genuinely about the movie that I thought I'd give it a shot. Frankly, he's on a roll with the family friendly(ish) comedies. I'm a sucker for Bedtime Stories and Grown-Ups. It was really funny! Obviously a little crass humor here and there but mostly a cute story about loving the important things about the people that come into your life. It was a nice ending and I didn't feel like I'd wasted my money on a stupid movie. That's pretty clutch. There's too many "Knocked Up"s and "40 Year Old Virgin"s out there. Sure they come to a nice, semi-moral ending but it takes an awful lot of crap to get there.

Sunday I was absolutely determined to get up and be productive so I did! I did some laundry, went to church with the girls, started my GMAT studying (yes, my books came in and they are big), and spent some time with family that was in town. We went to Ruth's Chris. It was glorious. Every fattening, buttery bite of it.

I went to bed early in an effort to be productive once again today (Prez Day!) and woke up with gooey, crusty eyes. BAM. Pink eye. Tell-tale signs. I've suspected a sinus infection for a while but now it moved into my eyes and that is never good. Cue 3 hour visit to the Texas Med Clinic because I don't have a personal physician in San Antonio. SO much to observe in a public urgent care clinic.

Waiting Room Observations:
1. Smelly old men with hacking coughs are the WORST.

2. Children are wildly honest when they feel yucky.
Man who sliced open his thumb: Man this really hurts.
Sick child: Scissors are dangerous, dumby. Right, Gran?
Gran: Yes honey but I'm sure he didn't mean to. Adults can use scissors.
Sick child: He can't, Gran. Look, he chopped off his finger! Why did you do that??!
Man: I was making breakfast, it was an accident. Don't play with knives.
Sick child: That's really silly. You should just eat oatmeal. My mom can make it for you.
Man: Thanks, buddy.

3. Dear inconsiderate woman watching avatar on your phone on full volume,
The sick 5 year old child next to you just learned the word bullshit. Great work.
Sincerely, Annoyed girl with pink eye who is not afraid to accidentally touch you.

4. Construction is way dangerous.

5. People on 'The Price is Right' are clueless. One pair of shoes for every day of the year plus a week long trip to Mexico does not cost $10K. Not even the shoes alone cost only $10K!

After three hours of that much fun, I got prescriptions for antibiotics to cure my infected head. On the upside, I'm feeling a little better and I was told not to go to work until 1pm to give the drugs a 24hour head start on my contagiousness. Score! Unfortunately, that also means I should probably refrain from touching a bunch of dodgeballs tomorrow night and infecting the entire league. Fortunately, that means I can go to the sing-along Moulin Rouge tomorrow at the drafthouse. I will sing the crap out of those song by myself with other random people I don't know. Dudes, whatever makes you happy :)

Random Thoughts:

I've discovered that I am rendered completely powerless when faced with a band of attractive men who play at least one banjo, one bass (NOT bass guitar) and play rock/indie music with a side of bluegrass.

Life really is about how you react to situations that are thrown your way. Wisdom has no age because the big guy uses whoever He wants to get a point across. Sometimes that means you. I've been feeling like that the past few weeks because I'm giving advice that, experience-wise, I really have no business giving. But it's good advice. And it's just flowing out...pretty awesome if you ask me.

Peach iced tea makes me want to write more instead of GMAT study more. There's alot of math in the world that frankly, I just could not care less about.

The Academy Awards are less than a week away and I'm very excited. I've seen all the Best Picture nominees now and I only think there are 3 main contenders: The King's Speech, The Fighter, and The Social Network. All of them are brilliant but my bet is on The King's Speech. Predictions below (think will happen/wish would happen):

Best Picture- The King's Speech/The King's Speech
Best Actress- Natalie Portman/ Annette Bening
Best Actor- Colin Firth/ Colin Firth
Best Supporting Actress- Melissa Leo/ Amy Adams and HBC (love both of them ALOT)
Best Supporting Actor- Christian Bale/ Geoffrey Rush
Best Animated- Toy Story 3/ Toy Story 3 (no brainer)
Best Directing- The Social Network/ The Fighter (b/c that was out of control)

Come Sunday, we shall see. Hathaway/Franco don't let me down! I loved the Baldwin/Martin duo but I think Hathaway/Franco have the ability to blow the top off that joint.

Well, imaginary people, here's to a great week ahead! For your listening pleasure:

The Civil Wars- Barton Hollow (album), speifically, "I've Got this Friend", "20 Years", "Barton Hollow" and "The Violet Hour"...

The Avett Brothers- Volume 3, Live (album), specifically, "The Perfect Space", "I Killed Sally's Lover", and "When I Drink" ...

Friday, February 4, 2011

I'm Dreaming of a White....Birthday?

So. This happened today.


And this happened.


And this happened.


And more to come tonight and tomorrow.
All in all a pretty fantastic day so far.
Birthday shoutouts also go to Elmo, Facebook, Rosa Parks and Bach.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Armchairs, GMAT and Birthdays

Greetings! No, I have not died. Yes, I have been tumbling. Sorry I've been neglecting this side of things.

If you'd like to see what I've been up to:

Just a few points to start back up:

1. I am in desperate need of a big, comfy armchair. Ok, desperate may be a bit of an exaggeration but I do really need one. I have a side table, I have an upright lamp and all I need to complete my cozy corner (and bedroom) of shabby chic awesomeness is the perfect chair. Of course I know what I want but darn it if that whole affordability thing isn't getting in the way. It's from Pottery Barn. Take a look:

Isn't it beautiful?!?!?!?!

I'm hoping my refund will contribute significantly to the 'I really want this beautiful armchair' fund. Until then, if anyone knows where I can find these type of chairs for less than $1000, I'd love to hear!

2. I am taking the GMAT. I know. AHH. I'm not taking it until June so I have time to study but I'm still really nervous. It's always hard to start studying again when you've stopped for 2 years so I'm trying to give myself enough time to not have to pay $250 again. Yeah, the GMAT costs $250. Kind of ridiculous? But worth it in the long run, I guess. Good wishes and prayers greatly appreciated.

3. Friday is my 24th birthday! It's a big one. You only turn 24 once. We are celebrating for 3 days straight. My best friend's birthday is the day before mine so we've had an extravaganza every year for the past 4 years. We're doing dinners and downtown and just a serious having of fun. I'm pretty excited. My mom was here this past weekend and we went to Bohanan's (fancy steakhouse, completely delicious), the symphony, walked around the river, went to church and she gave my my bday present. This:

Isn't it beautiful?!?!?!?!
Lots of beauty in my life. THAT is for sure. I am a lucky (almost) 24 year old.

Now, it is currently 28 degrees in San Antonio and I am ready to curl up in my warm bed and sleep the night away. Hopefully, the winds of death won't be back to rock my historic 110 year old pier-and-beam house again. But they will. Because my iphone weather app says so.