Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Armchairs, GMAT and Birthdays

Greetings! No, I have not died. Yes, I have been tumbling. Sorry I've been neglecting this side of things.

If you'd like to see what I've been up to:  http://newlittlehopes.tumblr.com/

Just a few points to start back up:

1. I am in desperate need of a big, comfy armchair. Ok, desperate may be a bit of an exaggeration but I do really need one. I have a side table, I have an upright lamp and all I need to complete my cozy corner (and bedroom) of shabby chic awesomeness is the perfect chair. Of course I know what I want but darn it if that whole affordability thing isn't getting in the way. It's from Pottery Barn. Take a look:

Isn't it beautiful?!?!?!?!

I'm hoping my refund will contribute significantly to the 'I really want this beautiful armchair' fund. Until then, if anyone knows where I can find these type of chairs for less than $1000, I'd love to hear!

2. I am taking the GMAT. I know. AHH. I'm not taking it until June so I have time to study but I'm still really nervous. It's always hard to start studying again when you've stopped for 2 years so I'm trying to give myself enough time to not have to pay $250 again. Yeah, the GMAT costs $250. Kind of ridiculous? But worth it in the long run, I guess. Good wishes and prayers greatly appreciated.

3. Friday is my 24th birthday! It's a big one. You only turn 24 once. We are celebrating for 3 days straight. My best friend's birthday is the day before mine so we've had an extravaganza every year for the past 4 years. We're doing dinners and downtown and just a serious having of fun. I'm pretty excited. My mom was here this past weekend and we went to Bohanan's (fancy steakhouse, completely delicious), the symphony, walked around the river, went to church and she gave my my bday present. This:

Isn't it beautiful?!?!?!?!
Lots of beauty in my life. THAT is for sure. I am a lucky (almost) 24 year old.

Now, it is currently 28 degrees in San Antonio and I am ready to curl up in my warm bed and sleep the night away. Hopefully, the winds of death won't be back to rock my historic 110 year old pier-and-beam house again. But they will. Because my iphone weather app says so. 

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