Monday, June 8, 2009

I think I'll go to....New Orleans?

So I got to thinking. I do that sometimes. My part-time tennis camp job was pushed back a week, so I have this whole week free now. I had all of last week free. Seemed great at first, realistically made me go bananas. I decided to make a spur of the moment trip to New Orleans. All of my Dad's side of the family lives down here and if (i mean, when) I get a job, I don't know when I'll be able to come next. My grandfather is rapidly approaching 90 so I need to get in as much time as I can. 

Drove all 9 hours by myself today. Quite honestly, I went into it a little nervous (especially since I only got 3 hours of sleep last night) but it turned out just fine. I had a full 9 hours to sing/scream any music I wanted. I got to pick EVERY song. Now that, is a first. And a victory.

I also get to see a great friend of mine from school while I'm here which will break up my time on the couch watching TV with Paw all day.

Yesterday, I barbecued for 8 of my friends. We are in the same pledge class for our sorority and we have this summer dinner club that we do together. I made these amazing peanut butter brownie cupcakes, grilled barbecue chicken (turned out excellent if I may toot my own horn), hamburgers, hotdogs, fruit salad, sliced watermelon and vanilla ice cream cones. Doesn't that sound perfect for a hot summer Sunday afternoon. It was. We sat by the pool and ate and talked for 7 hours. That must be some sort of record. I'm yearning to stay in San Antonio for things like this. I'm not ready for it to stop yet.

Enough for tonight, I see more NOLA in the future. Big things happen here.

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