Saturday, June 13, 2009

I Told You Big Things Happen Here...

Well its my last night in New Orleans and its been quite an eventful week. I've gone out and done something every single night and I got to see most of my family which was exactly what I came for. 

Tuesday I spent the day at home with Paw and his helper Rowena. She is here because he needs help eating and taking his medicine during the day but she really is pretty useless after that. I don't intend that to be a cruel statement, it's just a fact. She sits around watching TV and being on her telephone. You can't really blame her, there's nothing else to do, but it just seems strange to me. We watched some excellent court shows (haha) and my friend Lindsey, from school, and I were planning on going to see Up and The Hangover on Tuesday night when Lindsey got a call from her aunt with some VERY exciting news. Her aunt had a friend who had extra COLDPLAY tickets for the concert that night in New Orleans. COLDPLAY FLOOR SEATS FOR FREE. We sat at the end of the row and when the whole band walked into the back of the stadium to do a small set, I TOUCHED CHRIS MARTIN. He was basically high fiving the whole row and I was one of the lucky ones who actually made contact. I was told this would be a life-changing concert and oh my God was it ever. They were phenomenal. There is no better way to describe it. Arguably THE best concert I've ever seen. Well done, Coldplay, well done.

Then we went to Camellia Grill for some late night snackin. Crazy ladies, late night snackin. Sonic commercial, anyone? Anyway, got my traditional meal (with extra toast of course--no better toast in the world) and then we went back to Lindsey's to spend the night. We had a good chat before we had to go to sleep b/c she had work early in the morning. So I left in the AM when she left. Spent the next with Paw and Rowena again. Those court shows were really starting to grow on me...

Wednesday night I went back over to Lindsey's and we decided to go out on the town. So we did. An experience to say the very least. I don't think I'll be elaborating on this subject.

Needless to say, we didnt actually get moving until about 2:30 pm. When we actually went to see The Hangover. We were in the appropriate physical state for sure and it was absolutely hysterical. So so funny. Vulgar and horrifying at times, but truly funny. Then Lindsey and I sadly parted ways and I came back home. My cousin and I were babysitting our baby cousins that night and we had alot of fun. I love those little ones to death. The babies are actually our second cousins b/c their mom is our first cousin. Lili told me today that my baby cousin Lauren woke up and said, "When do I get to see Melissa again?" Now, if that doesn't make someone feel good, I don't know what does. Children are always the best judges of character. They see through everything.

I was supposed to leave yesterday but my paw wanted me to stay one more day so we could go to dinner. So we hung out again today, watched some court shows (I'm telling you these are addicting) and went to dinner with my cousins and my cousin's boyfriend. Service was horrible but its always a great experience to listen to my paw talk about his life. He always has some new story to tell when we're at the yacht club. I really wanted to try and video some of him this trip but never really got the chance. I have to remember to do that from now on. 

My uncle's band was playing a gig tonight so we went to that as well. There was a whole group of hilarious lesbians watching the band and they were so much fun. Dancing around like crazy. It's refreshing to see people so free and in tune with themselves. They were the most comfortable people there when societal stereotypes would lead us to believe they would feel the most awkward. Absolute fallacy. And thats a good thing.

Now, of course, I can't sleep again but I'm trying because I have to wake up in 4 hours and drive back to San Antonio. It's been fun but I'm ready to get back to my friends. I'm really starting to feel like I need to cherish these last few weeks. Time is closing in on me faster than I'm ready for. Oh well, bring it on.

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