Sunday, June 7, 2009


One of the adverse effects of the constant job hunt is the constant insomnia. My mind will not wind down before 4am or later these days. Definition of a vicious cycle: finally falling asleep around 4, waking up at noon. Note to self: people in the real world can't wake up at noon. Note to body: see note to self and go to sleep.

Weekends are bittersweet as well. The upside is the fun. Most everyone is off on the weekends so my social life resurfaces. The downside is that no one is working. AKA no one is replying to my application emails. Thankfully, I can preoccupy myself during the days but then the anxiety switch flips back on at night. Reading, watching TV, movies and/or even TV movies is a waste of my time. Nothing is helping. Even TylenolPM doesn't work for this type of insomnia. I just look at the bottle now and it scoffs at my feeble attempts.

Keeping with the rest of my current endeavors, I'm going to try my best to fall asleep now.

That beloved elementary phrase returns with a vengeance:

"If at first you don't succeed, try try again."

We'll see how it goes.

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